During this winter quarter in my internet marketing class there where a lot of things that we touched on that would blow anyone interested in web design away. We went into the details of good content, how search engines can hurt or help you, and much more. But the things that stuck out the most to me where: link building, keyword research, and page optimization. Though they are all interesting topics all on there own, and we learned so much about each topic, I thought it’d be a great idea for my final project to show people the basic overview of SEO in an infographic.
Great infographic. I will use this to help explain link building and SEO to my network. Thanks for taking the time to make this. Most people don’t understand how link building works and why you need to do it. This does an amazing job.
Thank you very much, I am glad that my infographic helped out! If you thought this information helped you out you should check out the rest of imarketingclass.com, there are some very informative articles on here that could possibly help out as well.
This is a good overview of the three basic spheres of SEO: links, keywords, and on-page content. Thanks for sharing.
Basic Idea of SEO, Nice explanation via. Image, you’ve really worked good on making that Image to explane the SEO thing 🙂
Love the infographic, really useful for new marketers and website designers. I will pass the link to my intern and review our Contact centre website to improve our SEO. Thanks for the input!